Success Stories

Chris's Success Story

Chris spent 15 years dreaming of being lean and muscular.  Unfortunately, for 15 years he tried and failed to accomplish his goal countless times.  Each time he began his journey of a physique he could be proud of; Chris would radically cut his calories, begin a circuit style weight training program, and nearly kill himself with tons of high intensity cardio. While he initially would see radical weight loss, his body would quickly adapt to his excessive methods and he would hit an insurmountable plateau.  When I first met Chris, he was discouraged and really didn’t know if he could achieve any of his fitness goals.  Chris is an extremely intense and focused individual who related how much pain suffering he could endure with how effective his program was.  I had to convince Chris that he needed a total philosophical transformation if he hoped to attain his goal. Instead of focusing on the scale, and instant gratification, we embraced the process and concentrated on gaining muscle, stimulating his metabolic rate, and feeding his body so he could add lean tissue and strength.  Once Chris gained a different perspective on accomplishing his dreams, his results were remarkable!  Chris lost an amazing 115 pounds; he reduced his waist by 11 inches, and lost 3 inches from his neck.  What is truly awesome about his accomplishment is that while he was losing all his body fat, he simultaneously added 15 pounds of lean muscle.  His upper arms actually were bigger at 172 pounds than they were at 287 pounds!

This is how he did it:

Phase One Training:

For the first month, Chris did 45 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, three times a week on an empty stomach, immediately after getting out of bed, maintaining a steady heart rate of 120-125 BPM.  On the fourth day he didn’t do cardio, he lifted weights for 45-60 minutes.  Since his goal was to really build some substantial muscle mass, I severely limited his weight training volume to 4-5 sets per body part, and game him 3-5 minutes of rest between sets.  Our goal was maximum muscle stimulation and maximum training intensity.  Instantly, his strength shot through the roof, while he lost 20 pounds of body weight.

Phase One Diet:

Breakfast: 40 Grams of whey protein powder with two rice cakes.

Snack: One can of water packed tuna with carrot sticks.

Lunch: 12 oz. grilled chicken, 10 oz. baked potato, and some frozen green vegetables.

Snack: 40 grams of whey protein powder.

Dinner: 12oz. grilled fish, one cup wild rice, and some fresh broccoli.

Before Bed: 1/2 cup skim cottage cheese.

Final Phase Training:

I modified Chris’ a.m. cardio prescription to four days per week, 30 minutes per session, and increased his training intensity to 130-135 BPM on a steady state workout.  I also added two high intensity interval cardio sessions at the end of his weight training workout that ranged from 25-45 minutes.  Chris’ weight workouts remained brief and intense.  I made sure that he rested 3-5 minutes between each set and I actually reduced his training volume to 3-4 sets per body part.  Although he lost another 100 pounds, Chris continued to get stronger and develop lean mass throughout the entire process utilizing this program.

Final Phase Diet:

I decided to increase Chris’ protein and caloric intake to prevent him rom plateauing.  I also split his entire daily carbohydrate intake to breakfast and his post-workout meal.

Breakfast: 12 scrambled egg whites, 1 cup of oatmeal, and a pear.

Snack: One can water packed tuna.

Lunch: 8 oz. lean ground beef patty with fresh cauliflower or green beans.

Post-Workout: 1 pound of baked potato, one apple, and 40 grams of protein powder.

Dinner: 14 oz. N.Y. Strip Steak with grilled asparagus, onions, and green and red peppers.

Before Bed: 1/2 cup skim cottage cheese or 6 scrambled egg whites.

Julia’s Success Story​

Julia accomplished one of the greatest physical metamorphis’ I have ever witnessed. She began the program weighing 182 pounds, with a 39 inch waist, 23 inch thighs, and a 13.5 inch neck. In only 12 weeks she reduced her body weight to 125 pounds, her waist slimmed down to 27.5 inches, her thighs measured in at 20 inches, and her neck was reduced to 12.5 inches! In less than three months Julia lost 57 pounds, 11.5 inches from her waist, three inches off each thigh, and one inch off her neck.

This is how she did it:

Three non-consecutive days each week Julia followed my high intensity weight training program. I started her off on the beginners three day program for three weeks, and graduated her to the intermediate level for the next nine weeks. She did three cardio workouts first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 – 40 minutes while maintaining a steady heart rate of 125 – 135 beats per minute. She also performed one interval cardio workout each week at the end of one of her weight training workouts.

Julia’s daily food intake was as follows:


  • 1/2 c oatmeal
  • 1/2 c egg beaters
  • coffee/and or tea


  • protein shake


  • 1 normal size piece of chicken or lean steak or fish, or a 6-oz can of albacore tuna
  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese
  • green veggie–usually brocolli or spinach
  • 1-2 pieces wheat bread or rice  OR 1 piece of fruit


  • protein shake


  • 1 normal size piece of chicken or lean steak or fish–I ate a lot  of salmon for dinner fish
  • green veggie–usually broccoli or spinach
  • potato or rice


  • Protein shake

After the initial 12 weeks, Julia’s metabolic rate was so charged up, she was able to almost double her food consumption (same foods) and still maintain her awesome physique!

Julia did it, and so can you!

Bret’s Success Story

  • Lost 70 lbs. 
  • Lost 10 inches off waist

Fifteen years ago Bret was an elite athlete. He was an all state football player in high school and played Division I college football. After his playing days were over Bret stopped exercising on a consistent basis and took his good health for granted.

Unfortunately, like so many other athletes, Bret had very little motivation to stay in shape once his gridiron days were over. Slowly he started putting on weight and within a few years he had gained 30 lbs. While in college Bret weighed around 220 lbs, with very little body fat. By the time he was 26 years old his health was going down the tubes and his body fat had gotten out of control.

Bret made attempts to lose weight and get back in shape only to be met with failure and disappointment. By the time Bret enlisted my help his weight had reached an all-time high of 295 lbs. His body was in terrible shape, his back, knees and ankles hurt all the time from lugging around all that extra weight.

By simply applying all the principles of the “I Can Do It” program Bret’s body started transforming immediately. He lost 13 lbs. the first week. After only 10 weeks Bret has lost 70 lbs. and is only a few pounds away from his former playing weight.

By eating six meals a day rather than 2 or 3 Bret has re-ignited his metabolism. His lower back, knees and ankles feel better than they have in years. Not only has Bret totally transformed his body, but he now has a renewed vigor for life, improved interpersonal relationships and a smile from ear to ear.

Bret did it, and so can you!

Christy’s Success Story

  • Lost 50 lbs.
  • 9 inches off waist
  • 4 1/2 inches off each thigh

Christy is one of a kind. She has an incredible personality and a love of life we should all aspire to.

When I met Christy in 1995 she was this incredibly positive extroverted person who had an intense desire to change the way she looked and felt. She told me she had been a member of numerous health clubs and had been involved in a nationally known diet center.

Unfortunately nothing had helped her achieve her goals. When I showed her the “I Can Do It” total life fitness program she got a huge smile and said “I Can Do It.” Well as you can see by her pictures she did it. And she continues to do it everyday.

Christy more than anybody else embodies everything I hope to accomplish. She has completely metamorphasized her entire life. She is in fabulous shape physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Christy has become a walking billboard for the “I Can Do It” program. She continues to follow the exercise and nutrition formulas she learned from my program and she continues to improve everyday.

Christy did it, and so can you!

Bret’s Success Story

      • Lost 120 lbs. in 1 yr.

    I met Joyce in July of 2001 at a seminar I was giving. I spoke for about one hour to a group of about 35 people. I kept noticing this wonderful bright eyed beautiful woman with a sparkle in her eye.

    When I concluded my speech this lovely woman approached me and told me her unique story.

    Joyce had struggled with her weight her entire life. She had been on every diet and exercise program known to man only to see minimal results. Joyce had also spent the last year taking care of a relative who had died of cancer. After living with the trauma of losing a loved one to an uncontrollable disease such as cancer, Joyce became determined to take back control of her life. She knew that if she continued down the path she was on she would soon fall victim to one of the effects of obesity.

    After speaking with her for only a few moments I could see she meant business about getting in shape. By simply applying all the components of the “I Can Do It” program, Joyce started seeing results immediately.

    She loved the new found energy and the way her weight plummeted each and every week. As you can see, her results are awesome. Joyce is now happier and healthier than she has ever been. Her weight has now been reduced by more 120 lbs. As Joyce’s weight went down her self confidence soared to new heights.

    Joyce did it, and so can you!

Melissa’s Success Story

  • Lost 28 lbs.
  • 7 inches off waist
  • 3 1/2 inches off thigh

Lack of energy, constantly feeling tired, and the desire to lose weight were the motivating factors that led Melissa to the “I Can Do It” program.

Melissa is a top-notch hairstylist with a huge clientele that requires her to work extremely long hours. She is also the single mother of a 6-year-old son. Obviously, Melissa has a very demanding life that doesn’t allow her to spend much time exercising or preparing meals. Before beginning the “I Can Do It” program Melissa felt listless and drained of energy all the time.

Her typical day would begin around 6 a.m. and she wouldn’t get to bed until midnight or 1 a.m. Her daily food intake was limited to one or two meals daily and she would consume 4-6 sodas daily.

As soon as she started applying all the principles of the “I Can Do It” system, Melissa’s energy soared. She was more effective at work and had more energy to spend quality time with her son.

Moreover, Melissa’s body went through a complete transformation. In only 12 weeks Melissa lost 28 lbs., reduced her waist by 7 inches, and lost 3 1/2 inches off each thigh. The “I Can Do It” program positively affected every aspect of Melissa’s life.

She now has greater self-confidence, boundless energy, an improved attitude and a lean, healthy, sexy body.

Melissa did it and so can you!

Tim’s Success Story

        • Lost 30 lbs.
        • Lost 7 inches off waist

      Tim was your typical gym rat. He loves to lift weights intensely 5-6 days per week. Tim slaved away at the gym for over 10 years and he built a big, strong, bloated body.

      Even though he was dedicated to exercising religiously he failed to eat right, do the right amount of cardiovascular work, and take the proper supplements.

      I watched Tim workout and I was amazed at his level of intensity while lifting weights. I was equally amazed that someone with so much dedication and desire would fail to do everything they possibly could to be the best they could be. I approached Tim and showed him the “I Can Do It” program and convinced him to give it a try for 2 weeks.

      Within the first week Tim lost 7 lbs. of pure fat and reduced his waist by 2 inches. Needless to say, Tim was hooked. The accompanying photos are startling. He looks like a different person, and he made these dramatic changes in only 12 weeks.

      By following the “I Can Do It” nutrition plan, taking the “I Can Do It” fat burning stack and protein powder, Tim completely changed his philosophy on exercise and fitness. He now realized that not one single component of the “I Can Do It” program will give you the results you want. It is the synergy that is created by applying all components of the “I Can Do It” program that will truly give you the results you want.

      Tim did it, and so can you!

Amy’s Success Story

  • Lost 50 lbs.
  • 8 inches off waist
  • 3.5 inches off each thigh

Amy is a former college athlete who was inundated with an ultra busy lifestyle. Amy loves to play volleyball, softball and has a very active lifestyle.

Her busy work and social calendar made it difficult for her to maintain a regular exercise program or follow any type of nutritional program. Although she was very active playing sports, she was not effectively stimulating her muscles or maintaining an elevated heart rate long enough to derive any of the benefits of regular exercise.

Consequently, over the course of 10 years Amy put on 50 lbs. Before she started the “I Can Do It” program she expressed her reservations about any regimented exercise or nutrition system, saying that she had either seen or tried them all before and none of them worked.

When I showed her how easy and convenient the “I Can Do It” program was, she began to be optimistic. When I told her she wouldn’t have to join a gym and could do the entire program in the privacy of her own home, utilizing equipment she already owned, she was thrilled.

Amy began the program with a great attitude and never let up. She immediately saw phenomenal results – losing 11 lbs. in the first 2 weeks.

In a matter of only 12 weeks, she lost 50 lbs., 8 inches of her waist, and 3 1/2 inches off each thigh. Amy now loves playing volleyball and softball even more than ever before because she can run faster, jump higher, and has incredible endurance.

Amy now has incredible self confidence, she smiles more, and has a trim, lean awesome body.

Amy did it, and so can you!

Chelsey’s Success Story

    • Lost 40 lbs.
    • 8 inches off waist

Chelsey is the mother of two young children. She has all the stress of taking care of two children under the age of three and the additional stress of being a cancer survivor.

Between her children Chelsey was diagnosed with Hodgkins disease. While being treated she wasn’t able to eat much and most of her muscle atrophied from the chemotherapy and lack of nutritious foods. Although she recovered from her battle with cancer, Chelsey was left with a metabolism that had been significantly slowed down by her entire ordeal.

When she enlisted my help I could see she was very unhappy with the way she looked and felt, but I could also notice an internal toughness that she had developed. Chelsey’s progress was awe inspiring. She followed the entire program to the letter and reaped all the benefits. Even though it is a real struggle to prepare meals for two small children and still maintain her proper food intake, Chelsey did it.

She got up before anyone else in the house and did her workout before the sun came up. Chelsey not only lost 40 lbs. and 8 inches from her waist, she also is happier and healthier than ever before.

Chelsey did it, and so can you!

Catherine’s Success Story

  • Lost 45 lbs.
  • 12 dress sizes

Catherine is the manager of a nutrition store and is totally into taking the proper supplements and eating properly. While supplementation and proper food intake are crucial components to attaining a great body Catherine wasn’t stimulating her muscles properly or doing the proper amount of cardiovascular training.

She was apprehensive, to say the least, when I told her how important lifting weights were for her to achieve her goals. Catherine thought she would develop big bulky muscles from weight training. After I convinced her to watch the tapes and follow the workout she was amazed at the immediate results. Not only did she not get big muscles, but she became lean and toned almost instantaneously.

Catherine’s body transformed as quick as anyone I have ever seen. She loved the fact that she could workout in her own home for only 45 minutes a day 4 times a week and get the results she has.

In only 12 weeks Catherine lost 45 lbs. and 12 dress sizes. She now has unlimited energy, improved self esteem and a fabulous body.

Catherine did it, and so can you!